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Portable Batch System (PBS) Job Scripts

Job scripts form the basis of batch jobs. A job script is simply a text file with instructions of the work to execute. Job scripts are usually written in bash or tcsh and thus mimic commands a user would execute interactively through a shell; but instead are executed on specific resources allocated by the scheduler when available. Scripts can also be written in other languages - commonly Python.

Anatomy of a Job Script

Sample basic PBS scripts are listed below:

PBS job scripts

#PBS -N hello_pbs
#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -k eod
#PBS -q main
#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=128

### Set temp to scratch
export TMPDIR=${SCRATCH}/${USER}/temp && mkdir -p $TMPDIR

### specify desired module environment
module purge
module load ncarenv/23.09 gcc/12.2.0 cray-mpich/8.1.25
module list

### Compile & Run MPI Program
mpicxx -o hello_world_derecho /glade/u/home/benkirk/hello_world_mpi.C -fopenmp
mpiexec -n 256 -ppn 128 ./hello_world_derecho

The first line denotes the interpreter to be used for the script:


#PBS -N hello_pbs
#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -k eod
#PBS -q main
#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=128

source /etc/csh.cshrc

### Set temp to scratch
setenv TMPDIR ${SCRATCH}/${USER}/temp && mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### specify desired module environment
module purge
module load ncarenv/23.09 gcc/12.2.0 cray-mpich/8.1.25
module list

### Compile & Run MPI Program
mpicxx -o hello_world_derecho /glade/u/home/benkirk/hello_world_mpi.C -fopenmp
mpiexec -n 256 -ppn 128 ./hello_world_derecho

The first line denotes the interpreter to be used for the script:


#PBS -N hello_pbs
#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -k eod
#PBS -q main
#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=128

import sys
print("Hello, world!!\n\n")

print("Python version:")
print("Version info:")

The first line denotes the interpreter to be used for the script:

indicates this is a python script (and, specifically, the NCAR NPL instance).

Focusing on the bash example for discussion, the remainder of the script contains two main sections:

  1. The lines beginning with #PBS are directives that will be interpreted by PBS when this script is submitted with qsub. Each of these lines contains an instruction that will be used by qsub to control job resources, execution, etc...

  2. The remaining script contents are simply bash commands that will be run inside the batch environment on the selected resources and define the work to be done in this job.

PBS directives

The example above contains several directives which are interpreted by the qsub submission program:

  • -N hello_pbs provides a job name. This name will be displayed by the scheduler for diagnostic and file output. If omitted, and a script is used to submit the job, the job's name is the name of the script.
  • -A <project_code> indicates which NCAR Project Accounting code resource allocation will be applicable to this job. (You will want to replace <project_code> with your project's specific code.)
  • -j oe requests we combine any standard text output (o) and error (e) into one output file. (By default, PBS will write program output and error to different log files. This behavior is contrary to what many users expect from terminal interaction, where output and error are generally interspersed. This optional flag changes that behavior.)
  • -q main specifies the desired PBS queue for this job.
  • -l walltime=00:05:00 requests 5 minutes as the maximum job execution (walltime) time. Specified in HH:MM:SS format.
  • -l select=2:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=128 is a computational resource chunk request, detailing the quantity and configuration of compute nodes required for this job. This example requests a selection of 2 nodes, where each node must have 128 CPU cores, each of which we will use as an MPI rank in our application.

Script contents

The remaining script contains shell commands that define the job execution workflow. The commands here are arbitrary, however we strongly recommend the general structure presented above. This includes:

  1. Explicitly setting the TMPDIR variable.

    As described here, many programs write temporary data to TMPDIR, which is usually small and shared among st users. Specifying your own directory for temporary files can help you avoid the risk of your own programs and other users' programs failing when no more space is available.

  2. Loading and reporting the specific module environment required for this job.

    While strictly not necessary (in general, the system default modules will be loaded anyway), we recommend this as best practice as it facilitates debugging and reproducing later. (While the system default modules will change over time, manually specifying module versions allows you to recreate the same execution environment in the future.)

  3. (Optional) Defining any environment variables specific to the chosen module environment.

    Occasionally users will want to define particular run time environment variables e.g. for a specific MPI or library chosen via the module load commands.

  4. Remaining job-specific steps.

    In the example above, we first compile and then execute hello_world_mpi.C, a simple MPI program.

Common #PBS directives

Resource requests

Resources (compute node configuration, job duration) are requested through a combination of resource selection flags, each preceded with -l.

For example:

#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=64:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=4:mem=400GB
#PBS -l gpu_type=a100
#PBS -l job_priority=economy
specifies job walltime, compute node selection, GPU type, and job priority. See more details below.

select statements

Resources are specified through a select statement. The general form of a homogeneous selection statement is

select=<# NODES>:ncpus=<# CPU Cores/node>:mpiprocs=<# MPI Ranks/node>:ompthreads=<# OpenMP Threads/rank>:mem=<RAM/node>:ngpus=<# GPUs/node>

  • <# NODES> is the total number of compute nodes requested, followed by a colon-separated list of

  • <# CPU Cores/node> is the total number of CPUs requested on each node, which can be a mix of MPI Ranks and/or OpenMP threads,

  • <# MPI Ranks/node is the number of MPI Ranks on each node,

  • <# OpenMP Threads/node> is the number of OpenMP ranks per MPI Rank on each node. (Optional, defaults to 1),

  • <RAM/node> is how much main memory (RAM) the job will be able to access on each node. (Optional, default is system dependent), and

  • <# GPUs/node> is the number of GPUs per node. (Optional, defaults to 0).

Taken together, this specifies a resource chunk. Homogeneous resource chunks are the most common case, however, heterogeneous selection statements can be constructed by multiple chunks separated by a + (examples below).

  • 4 128-core nodes, each running 128 MPI ranks (4 x 128 = 512 MPI ranks total).


  • 4 128-core nodes, each running 32 MPI ranks with 4 OpenMP threads per ranl (4 x 32 = 128 MPI ranks total, each with 4 threads = 512 total CPU cores).


  • 2 64-core nodes, each running 4 MPI ranks, 4 GPUS, and 384 GB memory (8 GPUs total, with 8 MPI ranks).


  • 4 36-core nodes, each running 4 MPI ranks, 4 GPUS configured with NVIDIA's Multi-Process Service (MPS), and 768 GB memory (16 GPUs total, with 16 MPI ranks).

    MPS is simply enabled via mps=1, and is disabled by default (mps=0)

  • A heterogeneous selection, 96 128-core nodes each with 128 MPI ranks, and 32 128-core nodes each with 16 MPI ranks and 8 OpenMP threads


The particular values for ncpus, mem, ngpus are node-type dependent, and most NCAR systems have more than one available node type. (See system specific documentation for recommended values.)

Request all ncpus when running on exclusive nodes

For large multi-node jobs on machines like Derecho nodes are usually assigned exclusively to a single PBS job at a time. For most use cases, users will request the maximum number of CPUS available via ncpus, and consume all through a combination of mpiprocs and ompthreads.

Occasionally users may want fewer than the maximum CPUs for computation, "under-subscribing" compute nodes. This is usually done for memory intensive applications, where some cores are intentionally left idle in order to increase the memory available for the running cores. In such circumstances users should still request access to all CPUs, but only use a subset. For example

requests access to all 128 CPUs on a dedicated node, but only assigns 64 for MPI use.

By requesting access to all ncpus=128 is recommended for this case because it allows optimally locating the actually used mpiprocs=64 across the compute node via process binding.


The -l walltime=HH:MM:SS resource directive specifies maximum job duration. Jobs still running when this wall time is exceeded will be terminated automatically by the scheduler.



Users may request a specific job priority with the -l job_priority=... resource directive. Valid options are:

Job priority impacts both scheduling and resource accounting, allowing users to run at a higher/lower priority in exchange for additional/reduced allocation consumption. See here for additional information.


For highly heterogeneous systems such as Casper, a resource chunk statement including GPUS may match more than one particular GPU type. The resource specification -l gpu_type=... requests a particular GPU type, removing such ambiguity. Valid options are:


Listing of frequently used #PBS directives

-A <project_code> NCAR Project Accounting string associated with the job.
-a <date at time> Allows users to request a future eligible time for job execution.
(By default jobs are considered immediately eligible for execution.)
Format: [[[YY]MM]DD]hhmm[.SS]
-h Holds the job.
<Held jobs can be released with qrls.
-I Specifies interactive execution.
Interactive jobs place the user a login session on the first compute node.
Interactive jobs terminate when the shell exits, or walltime is exceeded.
-J <range> Specifies an array job.
Use the range argument to specify the indices of the sub jobs of the array. range is specified in the form X-Y[:Z] where X is the first index, Y is the upper bound on the indices, and Z is the stepping factor. Indices must be greater than or equal to zero.

Use the optional %max_subjobs argument to set a limit on the number of subjobs that can be running at one time.

more details on array jobs
-m <mail events> Sends email on specific events (may be combined).
n: No mail is sent
a: Mail is sent when the job is aborted by the batch system
b: Mail is sent when the job begins execution
e: Mail is sent when the job terminates

Example: -m abe
-M <address(es)> List of users to whom mail about the job is sent.
The user list argument has the form: <username>[@<hostname>][,<username>[@<hostname>],...]

qsub arguments take precedence over #PBS directives

Best practice is to fully specify your PBS queue, job name, and resources in your job script as shown above. This allows for better debugging and facilitates reproducing runs in the future. When a job's PBS attributes are fully specified, you can usually submit the script with no additional arguments, for example

qsub script.pbs
(See Running Jobs for more details on interacting with the scheduler.)

On occasion users may want to change some of the PBS parameters without modifying the job script. A common example may be the account code, the job name (-N) or even the walltime.

Any #PBS directives specified in the job script can be overridden at submission time by equivalent arguments to qsub. For example,

 qsub -A <OTHER_ACCOUNT> \
      -N testing \
      -l job_priority=premium \
will run script.pbs under the specified <OTHER_ACCOUNT> with the job name testing and requests premium priority, regardless of what other values may be specified in script.pbs

Execution environment variables

Within the script contents of the job script, it is common for the specifics of the job to depend slightly on the PBS and specific module execution environment. Both running under PBS and loading certain module files create some environment variables that might be useful when writing portable scripts; for example scripts that might be shared among users or executed within several different configurations.

Use common environment variables to write portable PBS batch scripts

Avoid hard-coding paths into your shell scripts if instead any of the environment variables below might be used. This will facilitate moving scripts between systems, users, and application versions with minimal modifications, as output paths can be defined generically as opposed to hard-coded for each user.

PBS execution environment variables

PBS creates a number of environment variables that are accessible within a job's execution environment. Some of the more useful ones are:

PBS_ACCOUNT The NCAR Project Accounting code used for this job.
PBS_JOBID The PBS Job ID for this job.
Example: 1473351.desched1
PBS_JOBNAME The name of this job. Matches the -N specified.
Example: hello_pbs
PBS_O_WORKDIR The working directory from where the job was submitted.
PBS_SELECT The resource specification -l select= line for this job.
This can be useful for setting runtime-specific configuration options that might depend on resource selection.
(e.g. processor layout, CPU binding, etc...)
Example: 2:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=2:ompthreads=2:mem=200GB:Qlist=cpu:ngpus=0
PBS_NODEFILE A file whose contents lists the nodes assigned to this job.
Typically listed as one node name per line, for each MPI rank in the job.
Each node will be listed for as many times as it has MPI ranks.
Example: /var/spool/pbs/aux/1473351.desched1

NCAR module-specific execution environment variables


Machine and Software Environment

NCAR_HOST Specifies the host class of machine, e.g. derecho or casper
NCAR_BUILD_ENV_COMPILER A unique string identifying the host and compiler+version currently loaded.
Example: casper-oneapi-2023.2.1
NCAR_BUILD_ENV_MPI A unique string identifying the host, compiler+version, and mpi+version currently loaded.
Example: casper-oneapi-2023.2.1-openmpi-4.1.5
NCAR_BUILD_ENV A unique string identifying the current build environment, identical to NCAR_BUILD_ENV_MPI when an MPI module is loaded, or NCAR_BUILD_ENV_COMPILER if only a compiler is loaded.
Specifies the type and version of compiler currently loaded, if any.
Example:intel, gcc, nvhpc
Specifies the type and version of MPI currently loaded, if any.
Example:openmpi, cray-mpich, intel-mpi

User and File System Paths

${USER} The username of user executing the script.
${HOME} The GLADE home file space for the user executing the script.
Example: /glade/u/home/${USER}
${WORK} The GLADE work file space for the user executing the script.
Example: /glade/work/${USER}
${SCRATCH} The GLADE scratch file space for the user executing the script.
Example: /glade/derecho/scratch/${USER}

PBS Job Arrays

Occasionally users may want to execute a large number of similar jobs. Such workflows may arise when post-processing a large number of similar files, for example, often with a serial post-processing tool. One approach is simply to create a unique job script for each. While simple, this approach has some drawbacks, namely scheduler overhead and job management complexity.

PBS provides a convenient job array mechanism for such cases. When using job arrays, the queue script contents can be thought of as a template that is applied repeatedly, for different instances of the PBS_ARRAY_INDEX. Consider the following example:

PBS job array

Suppose your working directory contains a number of files data.year-2010, data.year-2011, ..., data.year-2020. You would like to run ./executable_name on each.

#PBS -N job_array
#PBS -A <project_code>
### Each array sub-job will be assigned a single CPU with 4 GB of memory
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4GB
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
#PBS -q casper
### Request 11 sub-jobs with array indices spanning 2010-2020 (input year)
#PBS -J 2010-2020
#PBS -j oe

export TMPDIR=${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Run program on a specific input file:
./executable_name data.year-${PBS_ARRAY_INDEX}

The directive -J 2010-2020 instructs the scheduler to launch a number of sub-jobs, each with a distinct value of PBS_ARRAY_INDEX spanning from 2010 to 2020 (inclusive).

The -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4GB resource chunk and -l walltime=00:10:00 run time limit applies to each sub-job.

PBS job arrays provide a convenient mechanism to launch a large number of small, similar jobs. The approach outlined above is particularly suitable for Casper, where nodes are typically shared and individual CPU cores are scheduled. This allows a job array sub-job to be as small as a single core.

When entire compute nodes are assigned to jobs (and therefore also array sub-jobs) we need a slightly different approach, as employed in the following use case.

Using job arrays to launch a "command file"

Multiple Program, Multiple Data (MPMD) jobs run multiple independent, typically serial executables simultaneously. Such jobs can easily be dispatched with PBS job arrays, even on machines like Derecho where compute nodes are exclusively and entirely assigned to a users' job. This process is outlined in the example below.

Command File / MPMD jobs with PBS Job Arrays

For this example, executable commands appear in a command file (cmdfile).

# this is a comment line for demonstration
./cmd1.exe < input1 # comments are allowed for steps too, but not required
./cmd2.exe < input2
./cmd3.exe < input3
./cmdN.exe < inputN

The command file, executables, and input files should all reside in the directory from which the job is submitted. If they don't, you need to specify adequate relative or full paths in both your command file and job scripts. The sub-jobs will produce output files that reside in the directory in which the job was submitted. The command file can then be executed with the launch_cf command.


# launches the commands listed in ./cmdfile:
launch_cf -A PBS_ACCOUNT -l walltime=1:00:00

# launches the OpenMP-threaded commands listed in ./omp_cmdfile:
#  (requires ppn=128 = (32 steps/node) * (4 threads/step)
launch_cf -A PBS_ACCOUNT -l walltime=1:00:00 --nthreads 4 --steps-per-node 32 ./omp_cmdfile

The jobs listed in the cmdfile will be launched from a bash shell in the users default environment. The optional file will be "sourced" from the run directory in case environment modification is required, for example to load a particular module environment, to set file paths, etc...

The command will assume reasonable defaults on Derecho and Casper for the number of job "steps" from the cmdfile to run per node, memory per node, PBS queues, etc... Each of these parameters can be controlled via launch_cf command line arguments, see launch_cf --help:

launch_cf command line options
launch_cf <-h|--help>
     <--queue PBS_QUEUE>
     <--ppn|--processors-per-node #CPUS>
     <--steps-per-node #Steps/node>
     <--nthreads|--threads-per-step #Threads/step>
     <--mem|--memory RAM/node>
     -A PBS_ACCOUNT -l walltime=01:00:00
     ... other PBS args ...
     <command file>

All options in "<>" brackets are optional.
Any unrecognized arguments are passed through directly to qsub.
The PBS options -A and -l walltime are required at minimum.

The two PBS required arguments are -A <project_code> and -l walltime=.... Any command line argument not interpreted directly by launch_cf are assumed PBS arguments and are passed along to qsub.


This PBS array implementation is a departure from the command file technique used previously on Cheyenne, where MPI was used to launch the desired commands on each rank. While slightly more complex, the array approach has several advantages. Since the array steps are independent, the job can begin execution as soon as even a single node is available, and can scale to fill the available resources.

Additionally, the array approach is well suited for when the run times of the specific commands varies. In the previous MPI approach, all nodes were held until the slowest step completed, with the consequence of idle resources for varied command run times. With the array approach each node completes independently, when the slowest of its unique steps has completed. Thus the utilization of each node is controlled by the run times of its own steps, rather than all steps.

The implementation details are unimportant for general users exercising this capability, however may be interesting for advanced users wishing to leverage PBS job arrays in different scenarios. See the hpc-demos GitHub repository for source code.

Sample PBS job scripts


Batch script to run a high-throughput computing (HTC) job on Casper

This example shows how to create a script for running a high-throughput computing (HTC) job. Such jobs typically use only a few CPU cores and likely do not require the use of an MPI library or GPU.

#!/bin/bash -l
### Job Name
#PBS -N htc_job
### Charging account
#PBS -A <project_code>
### Request one chunk of resources with 1 CPU and 10 GB of memory
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=10GB
### Allow job to run up to 30 minutes
#PBS -l walltime=30:00
### Route the job to the casper queue
#PBS -q casper
### Join output and error streams into single file
#PBS -j oe

export TMPDIR=${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Load Conda/Python module and activate NPL environment
module load conda
conda activate npl

### Run analysis script
python datafile.dat
### Job Name
#PBS -N htc_job
### Charging account
#PBS -A <project_code>
### Request one chunk of resources with 1 CPU and 10 GB of memory
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=10GB
### Allow job to run up to 30 minutes
#PBS -l walltime=30:00
### Route the job to the casper queue
#PBS -q casper
### Join output and error streams into single file
#PBS -j oe

setenv TMPDIR ${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Load Conda/Python module and activate NPL environment
module load conda
conda activate npl

### Run analysis script
python datafile.dat

Batch script to run an MPI GPU job on Casper

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N mpi_job
#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=4:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=4:mem=40GB
#PBS -l gpu_type=v100
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -q casper
#PBS -j oe

export TMPDIR=${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Provide CUDA runtime libraries
module load cuda

### Run program
mpirun ./executable_name
### Job Name
#PBS -N mpi_gpu_job
### Charging account
#PBS -A <project_code>
### Request two resource chunks, each with 4 CPUs, GPUs, MPI ranks, and 40 GB of memory
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=4:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=4:mem=40GB
### Specify that the GPUs will be V100s
#PBS -l gpu_type=v100
### Allow job to run up to 1 hour
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
### Route the job to the casper queue
#PBS -q casper
### Join output and error streams into single file
#PBS -j oe

setenv TMPDIR ${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Provide CUDA runtime libraries
module load cuda

### Run program
mpirun ./executable_name

Batch script to run a pure OpenMP job on Casper

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N OpenMP_job
#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:ompthreads=8
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
#PBS -q casper
#PBS -j oe

export TMPDIR=${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Run program
#PBS -N OpenMP_job
#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:ompthreads=8
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
#PBS -q casper
#PBS -j oe

setenv TMPDIR ${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Run program

Batch script to run a hybrid MPI/OpenMP job on Casper

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N hybrid_job
#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=2:ompthreads=4
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
#PBS -q casper
#PBS -j oe

export TMPDIR=${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Run program
mpirun ./executable_name
#PBS -N hybrid_job
#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=2:ompthreads=4
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
#PBS -q casper
#PBS -j oe

setenv TMPDIR ${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Run program
mpirun ./executable_name

Batch script to run a job array on Casper

Job arrays are useful for submitting and managing collections of similar jobs – for example, running the same program repeatedly on different input files. PBS can process a job array more efficiently than it can process the same number of individual non-array jobs.

This example uses environment variable PBS_ARRAY_INDEX as an argument in running the jobs. This variable is set by the scheduler in each of your array subjobs, and spans the range of values set in the #PBS -J array directive.

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N job_array
#PBS -A <project_code>
### Each array subjob will be assigned a single CPU with 4 GB of memory
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4GB
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
#PBS -q casper
### Request 10 subjobs with array indices spanning 2010-2020 (input year)
#PBS -J 2010-2020
#PBS -j oe

export TMPDIR=${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Run program
./executable_name data.year-$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX
#PBS -N job_array
#PBS -A <project_code>
### Each array subjob will be assigned a single CPU with 4 GB of memory
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4GB
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -q casper
### Request 10 subjobs with array indices spanning 2010-2020 (input year)
#PBS -J 2010-2020
#PBS -j oe

setenv TMPDIR ${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

### Run program
./executable_name data.year-$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX

If you need to include a job ID in a subsequent qsub command, be sure to use quotation marks to preserve the [] brackets, as in this example:

qsub -W "depend=afterok:317485[]" postprocess.pbs

Using NVIDIA MPS in Casper GPU jobs

Some workflows benefit from processing more than one CUDA kernel on a GPU concurrently, as a single kernel is not sufficient to keep the GPU fully utilized. NVIDIA’s Multi-Process Service (MPS) enables this capability on modern NVIDIA GPUs like the V100s on Casper.

Consider using MPS when you are requesting more MPI tasks than physical GPUs. Particularly for jobs with large problem sizes, using multiple MPI tasks with MPS active can sometimes offer a performance boost over using a single task per GPU.

The PBS job scheduler provides MPS support via a chunk-level resource. When you request MPS, PBS will perform the following steps on each specified chunk:

  1. Launch the MPS control daemon on each job node.

  2. Start the MPS server on each node.

  3. Run your GPU application.

  4. Terminate the MPS server and daemon.

To enable MPS on job hosts, add mps=1 to your select statement chunks as follows:

#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=8:mem=60GB:ngpus=1:mps=1
On each V100 GPU, you may use MPI to launch up to 48 CUDA contexts (GPU kernels launched by MPI tasks) when using MPS. MPS can be used with OpenACC and OpenMP offload codes as well, as the compiler generates CUDA code from your directives at compile time.

Jobs may not request MPS activation on nodes with GP100 GPUs.

In this example, we run a CUDA Fortran program that also uses MPI. The application was compiled using the NVIDIA HPC SDK compilers, the CUDA toolkit, and Open MPI. We request all GPUs on each node and use NVIDIA MPS to use multiple MPI tasks on CPU nodes for each GPU.

#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -N gpu_mps_job
#PBS -q casper@casper-pbs
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36:ngpus=4:mem=300GB:mps=1
#PBS -l gpu_type=v100

# Use scratch for temporary files to avoid space limits in /tmp
export TMPDIR=${SCRATCH}/temp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

# Load modules to match compile-time environment
module purge
module load ncarenv nvhpc/22.5 cuda/11.4 openmpi/4.1.4

# Run application using Open MPI
mpirun ./executable_name


Running a hybrid CPU program with MPI and OpenMP on Derecho

In this example, we run a hybrid application that uses both MPI tasks and OpenMP threads. The executable was compiled using default modules (Intel compilers and MPI). We use a 2 nodes with 32 MPI ranks on each node and 4 OpenMP threads per MPI rank.

Whenever you run a program that compiled with OpenMP support, it is important to provide a value for ompthreads in the select statement; PBS will use that value to define the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable.

#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -N hybrid_job
#PBS -q main
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=32:ompthreads=4

# Load modules to match compile-time environment
module purge
module load ncarenv/23.09 intel-oneapi/2023.2.1 craype/2.7.23 cray-mpich/8.1.27

# Run application with MPI binding helper script
mpibind ./executable_name

# Or run application using cray-mpich with explicit binding
# mpiexec --cpu-bind depth -n 64 -ppn 32 -d 4 ./executable_name

Running an MPI-enabled GPU application on Derecho

In this example, we run an MPI CUDA program. The application was compiled using the NVIDIA HPC SDK compilers, the CUDA toolkit, and cray-mpich MPI. We request all four GPUs on each of two nodes.

Please ensure that you have the cuda module loaded as shown below when attempting to run GPU applications or nodes may lock up and become unresponsive.

#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -N gpu_job
#PBS -q main
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=64:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=4

# Load modules to match compile-time environment
module purge
module load ncarenv/23.09 nvhpc/24.1 cuda/12.2.1 cray-mpich/8.1.27

# (Optional: Enable GPU managed memory if required.)
#   From ‘man mpi’: This setting will allow MPI to properly
#   handle unify memory addresses. This setting has performance
#   penalties as MPICH will perform buffer query on each buffer
#   that is handled by MPI)
# If you see runtime errors like
# (GTL DEBUG: 0) cuIpcGetMemHandle: invalid argument,
# make sure this variable is set

# Run application using the cray-mpich MPI
#   The ‘set_gpu_rank’ command is a script that sets several GPU-
#   related environment variables to allow MPI-enabled GPU
#   applications to run. The set_gpu_rank script is detailed
#   in the binding section below, and is also made available
#   via the ncarenv module.
mpiexec -n 8 -ppn 4 set_gpu_rank ./executable_name

Binding MPI ranks to CPU cores and GPU devices on Derecho

For some GPU applications, you may need to explicitly control the mapping between MPI ranks and GPU devices (see man mpi). One approach is to manually control the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable so a given MPI rank only “sees” a subset of the GPU devices on a node.

Consider the following shell script:



echo "Global Rank ${GLOBAL_RANK} / Local Rank ${LOCAL_RANK} / CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES} / $(hostname)"

exec $*
It can be used underneath mpiexec to bind an MPI process to a particular GPU:

#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=64:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=4
# Run application using the cray-mpich MPI, binding the local
# mpi rank [0-3] to corresponding GPU index [0-3]:
mpiexec -n 8 -ppn 4 ./set_gpu_rank ./executable_name

The command above will launch a total of 8 MPI ranks across 2 nodes, using 4 MPI ranks per node, and each rank will have dedicated access to one of the 4 GPUs on the node. Again, see man mpi for other examples and scenarios.

Binding MPI ranks to CPU cores can also be an important performance consideration for GPU-enabled codes, and can be done with the --cpu-bind option to mpiexec. For the above example using 2 nodes, 4 MPI ranks per node, and 1 GPU per MPI rank, binding each of the MPI ranks to one of the four separate NUMA domains within a node is likely to be optimal for performance. This could be done as follows:

mpiexec -n 8 -ppn 4 --cpu-bind verbose,list:0:16:32:48 ./set_gpu_rank ./executable_name

Running a containerized application under MPI on GPUs

#PBS -q main
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -o fasteddy_job.log
#PBS -l walltime=02:00:00
#PBS -l select=6:ncpus=64:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=4

module load ncarenv/23.09
module load apptainer gcc cuda || exit 1
module list

nnodes=$(cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} | sort | uniq | wc -l)
nranks=$(cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} | sort | wc -l)
nranks_per_node=$((${nranks} / ${nnodes}))


singularity \
    --quiet \
    exec \
    ${container_image} \
    ldd /opt/local/FastEddy-model/SRC/FEMAIN/FastEddy

singularity \
    --quiet \
    exec \
    --bind ${SCRATCH} \
    --bind ${WORK} \
    --pwd $(pwd) \
    --bind /run \
    --bind /opt/cray \
    --bind /usr/lib64:/host/lib64 \
    --env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CRAY_MPICH_DIR}/lib-abi-mpich:/opt/cray/pe/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/host/lib64 \
    --env LD_PRELOAD=/opt/cray/pe/mpich/${CRAY_MPICH_VERSION}/gtl/lib/ \
    ${container_image} \
    ldd /opt/local/FastEddy-model/SRC/FEMAIN/FastEddy

echo "# --> BEGIN execution"; tstart=$(date +%s)

mpiexec \
    --np ${nranks} --ppn ${nranks_per_node} --no-transfer \
    set_gpu_rank \
    singularity \
    --quiet \
    exec \
    --bind ${SCRATCH} \
    --bind ${WORK} \
    --pwd $(pwd) \
    --bind /run \
    --bind /opt/cray \
    --bind /usr/lib64:/host/lib64 \
    --env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CRAY_MPICH_DIR}/lib-abi-mpich:/opt/cray/pe/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/host/lib64 \
    --env LD_PRELOAD=/opt/cray/pe/mpich/${CRAY_MPICH_VERSION}/gtl/lib/ \
    ${container_image} \
    /opt/local/FastEddy-model/SRC/FEMAIN/FastEddy \

echo "# --> END execution"
echo $(($(date +%s)-${tstart})) " elapsed seconds; $(date)"

See here for a more complete discussion of the nuances of containerized applications on Derecho.

Running multiple MPI applications in a single job

The larger core counts on Derecho nodes mean that some MPI workflows do not fully utilize an entire node. Some of these workflows can run on Casper, but for those that do not, you can use the --cpu-bind to mpiexec to launch multiple copies of an application on independent ranks.

The following script requests two full nodes and launches eight copies of our MPI-enabled model using 32 cores per invocation (and 256 in total).

#PBS -N multi-mpi
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=128
#PBS -l walltime=04:00:00
#PBS -q main
#PBS -A <project_code>

# *** Job Configurables ***
num_runs=8   # Number of concurrent MPI applications running
ppr=32       # Processes per run
ppn=128      # Processes per node

# Load explicit module versions to preserve reproducibility
module purge
module load ncarenv/23.09 intel/2024.0.2 cray-mpich/8.1.27

# Define driver function to set up and start model runs
function run_model {
    ni=$((ppr * ($1 - 1) / ppn))    # Index of node to use
    sc=$((ppr * ($1 - 1) % ppn))    # Starting core of range to bind to
    ec=$((sc + ppr - 1))            # Ending core of range to bind to

    mkdir run-$1; cd run-$1         # Create unique directory for each run
    ln -s ../model .                # Reuse same executable via symbolic linking
    mpiexec -host ${nodes[$ni]} -n $ppr --cpu-bind list:$sc-$ec ./model &> outerr.log
    cd ../

# Store node list in a bash array
nodes=( $(uniq $PBS_NODEFILE) )

# Start our independent runs as background processes
for run in $(seq $num_runs); do
    run_model $run &

# Block job exit until all processes are finished

When running multiple programs on a node, it is best to choose process counts that divide evenly into the number of cores per CPU. On Derecho, each CPU has 64 cores and each node has two CPUs. So using 32 cores per run means that two runs will execute on each CPU, for a total of four runs per node.