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Job-submission queues and charges

Derecho queue details

The main queue, which has a 12-hour wall-clock limit, meets most users' needs for running batch jobs on Derecho. On Derecho users request a specific job priority via the #PBS -l job_priority=<regular|premium|economy> resource directive, instead of through distinct queues as was the case previously on Cheyenne.

Queue name
Wall clock limit (hours) Charging factor Derecho queue description
main premium 12 1.5 Jobs are charged at 150% of the regular rate.
regular 1 Most production batch jobs run in this queue; also accepts interactive jobs.
economy 0.7 Production batch jobs are charged at 70% of the regular rate.
preempt 24 0.2 Jobs will only run on resources otherwise idle. Jobs may be preempted with a short grace period to make room for higher priority jobs.
develop 6 1 Interactive and serial batch use for debugging and other tasks on shared 256-GB nodes. Jobs in this queue should specify memory required via -l select=...:mem=5GB up to 235GB. An individual job can use up to 256 cores or 8 GPUs across two nodes. A user can run multiple jobs in the share queue concurrently if the total number of cores or GPUs used is no more than 256 or 8 respectively.

Some additional queues on the system are for dedicated purposes and accessible only to authorized users.

Calculating charges

Exclusive nodes

Charges for use of Derecho are calculated in terms of core-hours. Jobs run in Derecho queues other than "share" are charged for exclusive use of the nodes by this formula:

wall-clock hours × nodes used × cores per node × charging factor

Derecho node charging

Your batch script indicates how many Derecho nodes your job will use.

In this example, you have selected 2 nodes, each of which has 128 cores, all of which will be used as MPI "ranks."

#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=128
Your job will be charged for the use of 256 cores.

In this example, you have selected 4 nodes, each of which has 128 cores. Each node will have 32 MPI ranks and 4 OpenMP threads.

#PBS -l select=4:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=32:ompthreads=4
Your job will be charged for the use of 512 cores.

In this example, you have selected 2 nodes, each of which has 128 cores. To double the available memory per rank, you elect to "under-subscribe" the node, that is, only use 64 cores as MPI ranks.

#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=64:mem=235GB
Your job will be charged for all 256 cores, even though you are only using 128 (assuming your code has no hybrid parallel capability - e.g OpenMP or other threading).

Exclusive nodes are charged by resource allocation, not utilization

Most Derecho batch queues are for exclusive use, so jobs submitted to Derecho queues are charged for all 128 CPU cores on each node that is used regardless of how many CPUs are used. Requesting a Derecho CPU node for 1 hour will result in a 128 core hour charge, even if left idle by the user.

Shared nodes (Casper)

Charges for jobs that you run on a shared node, including Casper nodes, are calculated by this formula:

core-seconds/3600 (core-hours)

Checking and managing charges

Users can check computing and storage charges through the CISL Systems Accounting Manager. (Go to SAM documentation or to SAM app.)

If you have concerns about using your allocation most efficiently, contact the NCAR Research Computing help desk for guidance. Sometimes jobs can be configured to make better use of the processors, and you may be able to save by using a less expensive queue.

CISL can refund core-hours if system failures cause jobs to fail and the failed jobs are reported promptly. Use this core-hours refund request form (login required) if you think a refund is warranted. Technical limitations prevent us from verifying refund eligibility for jobs that are more than seven days old.