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Working with Containers

The first step in running a container is usually (i) to "pull" a pre-existing container from an external repository, or (ii) to build a container according to a recipe. When a container is built locally, it is usually desirable to then share it with a larger community, often by "pushing" the resulting image to an external repository. We cover these topics generally in the next sections, which will be valuable both for users unfamiliar with containers and to others familiar with a tool such as Docker but unclear on how to execute these steps specifically in one of our supported runtimes.

General container usage

The concepts of pull, build, and push are common regardless of container run-time, however the specifics vary. We will highlight these specific steps for each supported run time in the examples below.

Example scenario

In the examples below we will work incrementally through a simple but realistic example use case: building a container using the latest version of a different operating system to provide tools not available on the host. Specifically, we will:

  1. Begin with a basic Rocky Linux 9 container image fetched from Docker Hub,

  2. Demonstrate building our own derived container image with additional packages and tools, and

  3. Demonstrate sharing the resulting image.

Pulling a container

Pulling & converting a simple container image

Pulling & listing images

We will use the command singularity pull from the apptainer module to pull our image and save it in Singularity Image Format (SIF):

singularity pull
casper$ singularity pull ./rocky9.sif docker://rockylinux/rockylinux:9
INFO:    Converting OCI blobs to SIF format
INFO:    Starting build...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 4031b0359885 done
Copying config 175264fac6 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
2023/11/27 15:12:32  info unpack layer: sha256:4031b03598854f77c4ae1e53c2fdca86fdb41eb95f1f051416ce2e363fc8cdd2
INFO:    Creating SIF file...

Prefer Apptainer's SIF image format

SIF images are much better suited for use on large parallel file systems than large directory trees, and can easily be shared with other users.

Like most run times, Apptainer supports several image storage formats, including unpacked directory tree "sandboxes" and compressed read-only image bundles in Singularity Image Format (SIF). We recommend using read-only, compressed SIF images for both performance and best practices reasons. While sandboxes may be tempting to create "writable" containers, they create sprawling directory trees of many small files, which slow container startup time and complicate management especially on shared, parallel file systems. Furthermore, writable container images undercut the encapsulation and repeatability benefits offered by containerization. It is possible to run containers on top of SIF images with temporary write layers if necessary.

Running a simple command from the container

We cover running containers in much more detail here, however below we will use the command ch-run to inspect the contents of the file /etc/os-release inside the container:

singularity exec
casper$ singularity exec ./rocky9.sif cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Rocky Linux"
VERSION="9.2 (Blue Onyx)"
ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="Rocky Linux 9.2 (Blue Onyx)"
This is functionally a hello-world type demonstration, and can be compared to the same file on the host to show we are indeed running in a different environment.

apptainer vs. singularity

As of version 3, the commands apptainer and singularity are synonymous. We will use the latter as there is a wide array of existing documentation referencing the singularity executable across the internet.

Pulling & listing images

We will use the command ch-image from the charliecloud module to pull and list images:

ch-image pull & ch-image list
# Pull the requested image, storing into Charliecloud's internal format
casper$ ch-image pull rockylinux/rockylinux:9
pulling image:    rockylinux/rockylinux:9
requesting arch:  amd64
manifest list: downloading: 100%
manifest: downloading: 100%
config: downloading: 100%
layer 1/1: 4031b03: downloading: 63.6/63.6 MiB (100%)
pulled image: adding to build cache
flattening image
layer 1/1: 4031b03: listing
validating tarball members
layer 1/1: 4031b03: changed 34 absolute symbolic and/or hard links to relative
resolving whiteouts
layer 1/1: 4031b03: extracting
image arch: amd64

# List all known images
casper$ ch-image list
See ch-image --help for more details and options.

Prefer Charliecloud's bundled SquashFUSE image format

After running the two commands above, the requested container has been downloaded and unpacked into Charliecloud's storage directory tree in its native format. This often is on temporary storage, and it is advisable to use ch-convert to convert the image to one of several other image formats before use.

Converting the image

On NCAR's HPC systems we strive to support the squash SquashFS file system archive, which allows the container to be converted to a single, compressed file. This is much better suited for use on large parallel file systems, and can easily be shared with other users. The command ch-convert can be used to convert images between Charliecloud's supported formats.

# Convert from Charliecloud's internal format to a compressed SquashFUSE image
casper$ ch-convert rockylinux/rockylinux:9 ./rocky9.sqfs
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 72 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on ./rocky9.sqfs, block size 65536.
[=====================================================================|] 8075/8075 100%

Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 65536
        compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments,
        compressed xattrs, compressed ids
        duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 61709.90 Kbytes (60.26 Mbytes)
        35.85% of uncompressed filesystem size (172122.07 Kbytes)
Inode table size 80336 bytes (78.45 Kbytes)
        27.36% of uncompressed inode table size (293634 bytes)
Directory table size 88626 bytes (86.55 Kbytes)
        43.45% of uncompressed directory table size (203971 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 1875
Number of inodes 8122
Number of files 6194
Number of fragments 693
Number of symbolic links 909
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 1019
Number of hard-links 0
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 1
Number of uids 1
        root (0)
Number of gids 1
        root (0)
See ch-convert --help for more details and options.

Running a simple command from the container

We cover running containers in much more detail here, however below we will use the command ch-run to inspect the contents of the file /etc/os-release inside the container:

casper$ ch-run ./rocky9.sqfs -- cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Rocky Linux"
VERSION="9.2 (Blue Onyx)"
ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="Rocky Linux 9.2 (Blue Onyx)"
This is functionally a hello-world type demonstration, and can be compared to the same file on the host to show we are indeed running in a different environment.

Pulling & listing images

We will use the command podman pull and podman images from the podman module to pull and list images:

podman image pull & podman images
# Pull the requested image, storing into Podman's internal image format
casper$ podman image pull docker://rockylinux/rockylinux:9
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 4031b0359885 done
Copying config 175264fac6 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

# list known (downloaded) images
casper$ podman images
REPOSITORY                       TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED       SIZE  9           175264fac6da  6 months ago  181 MB

Running a simple command from the container

We cover running containers in much more detail here, however below we will use the command ch-run to inspect the contents of the file /etc/os-release inside the container:

podman run
casper$  podman run rockylinux/rockylinux:9 cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Rocky Linux"
VERSION="9.2 (Blue Onyx)"
ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="Rocky Linux 9.2 (Blue Onyx)"
This is functionally a hello-world type demonstration, and can be compared to the same file on the host to show we are indeed running in a different environment.

Podman vs. Docker

Podman seeks to be functionally equivalent with Docker, so many Docker commands you may be familiar with will work the same.

Building a container from a definition file

In the examples above, we pulled a ready-made container image. For most practical applications we will want instead to build our own container image, often beginning with a base image from a public repository as shown above but extending it to meet a specific need. This process begins with a "recipe" file listing the steps required. By way of terminology, such recipes are typically referred to as Dockerfiles and usually follow a common format. Charliecloud and Podman support Dockerfiles directly. Apptainer is an outlier in this regard, and supports its own "definition" file format (commonly referred to as def-files). In this section we describe the general form of these build recipe files and provide simple build examples for the supported run-times.

Anatomy of build recipes

Dockerfiles and Apptainer Definition files

Following from the Docker documentation, a basic Dockerfile is

Sample Dockerfile
FROM rockylinux/rockylinux:9

RUN yum -y install dnf-plugins-core \
    && dnf -y update \
    && dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb \
    && dnf -y install epel-release \
    && dnf -y groupinstall "Development Tools" \
    && dnf -y install \
           chrpath \
           bzip2 autoconf automake libtool \
           gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran emacs make procps-ng openmpi-devel \
    && yum clean all



Following from the Apptainer documentation, a basic definition file is

Sample Definition File
Bootstrap: docker

    yum -y install dnf-plugins-core \
        && dnf -y update \
        && dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb \
        && dnf -y install epel-release \
        && dnf -y install gimp \
        && dnf clean all --verbose


We can now use the general form of these definition files to demonstrate constructing our own derived container image.

Building a container from a recipe file

Bootstrap: docker

    yum -y install dnf-plugins-core \
        && dnf -y update \
        && dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb \
        && dnf -y install epel-release \
        && dnf -y install xpdf \
        && dnf clean all --verbose

    export MY_CONTANER_VAR="foo"
We use the command singularity build to create a compressed SIF directly from the Deffile:
casper$ TMPDIR=/var/tmp/ singularity build my_rocky9.sif Deffile

FROM rockylinux/rockylinux:9

RUN yum -y install dnf-plugins-core \
    && dnf -y update \
    && dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb \
    && dnf -y install epel-release \
    && dnf -y groupinstall "Development Tools" \
    && dnf -y install \
           chrpath \
           bzip2 autoconf automake libtool \
           gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran emacs make procps-ng openmpi-devel \
    && dnf clean all --verbose
We use the command ch-image build to build a container from the Dockerfile:
casper$ ch-image build --force fakeroot --tag my_rocky9 .
Charliecloud builds in its internal format, which requires conversion before running. As shown above, we will convert the image to our preferred SquashFS format:
casper$ ch-image list

benkirk@casper20(61)$ ch-convert my_rocky9 ./my_rocky9.sqfs
input:   ch-image  my_rocky9
output:  squash    ./my_rocky9.sqfs
packing ...


RUN yum -y install dnf-plugins-core \
    && dnf -y update \
    && dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb \
    && dnf -y install epel-release \
    && dnf -y install xpdf \
    && dnf clean all --verbose
We use the command podman build to build a container from the Dockerfile:
casper$ podman build --tag my_rocky9 .

Container image builds directly on the HPC systems can be fragile

As discussed previously, security concerns in the HPC environment restrict certain container image build operations that require elevated privileges. Simple operations such as compiling code within a container to augment with a tool, or customizing the execution environment will likely work fine. Additionally, installing most packages through an operating system package manager usually works as well.

A common failure, however, is building containers that switch user IDs or change ownership of files within the build process. This can occur explicitly through a USER statement or through installation of some package. In either case, the underlying issue is that on the host the user has access to only a single user ID - their own. Many complex containers violate this restriction. We cannot support such build processes securely, even with so-called "rootless" container installations.

An alternative and popular workflow is to build containers externally to the HPC environment on a resource where the user has elevated privileges, likely using Docker. The finalized images is then pushed to an image repository, and then pulled into the HPC environment. We will not demonstrate the approach here due to the variability of external environments, however the process is straightforward for the user familiar with the build steps discussed below.

Interaction with environment variables

Different container run-times differ greatly in how they handle environment variables set externally on the host. Docker (and by similarity Podman) usually runs containers in a "clean" environment, that is, variables set on the host do not exist inside the container. Charliecloud by contrast passes nearly all environment variables from the host into the container. Apptainer takes a middle ground, by default passing along host environment variables, but this behavior can be changed with command-line arguments.

The Docker/Podman approach makes sense when containerizing small services or pieces of code that you want to run identically everywhere, independent of the host environment. Conversely, the Apptainer & Charliecloud approach makes more sense when many useful variables are already defined in the environment. Regardless, at some point when working with containers you will undoubtedly find an issue that is traced either to a variable being inherited from the host when you don't want it to be, or missing in the container when you really want it.

Each run-time allows for environment variables to be set explicitly from the run command line. Additionally, when building containers you can generally embed environment variables as well. Again, this behavior is run-time dependent as shown in the following example.

Container run-times and environment variables

Host Environment

We set the following variables on the host system prior to launching the container:

export HOST_VAR="foo"
export TOGGLE_VAR="set_from_OUTSIDE"

Container Environment

We then construct a tiny container image (<10MB) from the minimal Alpine Linux distribution. When we run the container it will report the value of several environment variables: HOST_VAR, CONTAINER_VAR, TOGGLE_VAR, and RANDOM_VAR (if set).

The Apptainer Definition file %environment section allows us to define variables that exist inside the container.

Definition File
Bootstrap: docker

   ./extras/ /opt/container/
   ./extras/ /opt/container/

   chmod +x /opt/container/*.sh

    export CONTAINER_VAR="bar"
    export TOGGLE_VAR="set_from_INSIDE"
Container Environment Examples

Running the container shows that HOST_VAR is passed in by default, and TOGGLE_VAR retains its value from inside the container definition unless explicitly passed via the --env argument. The argument --cleanenv prevents external variables from being passed.

# Step #1:
host$ singularity run ./my_alpine.sif /opt/container/

# Step #2:
host$ singularity run --cleanenv ./my_alpine.sif /opt/container/

# Step #3:
host$ singularity run --cleanenv --env TOGGLE_VAR=set_from_OUTSIDE ./my_alpine.sif /opt/container/

# Step #4:
host$ singularity run --cleanenv --env RANDOM_VAR=set_on_command-line ./my_alpine.sif /opt/container/

The Charliecloud Dockerfile ENV section allows us to define variables, but its use seems inconsistent in practice.

FROM alpine:latest

COPY extras/ /opt/container/
COPY extras/ /opt/container/

RUN chmod +x /opt/container/*.sh \
    && mkdir -p /glade/u/home /glade/work /glade/campaign /glade/derecho/scratch /random/path

Container Environment Examples

Running the container shows that HOST_VAR is passed in by default, and TOGGLE_VAR takes its value from the host. The environment variables set from the ENV instruction are disregarded by default, but are honored when the --set-env arguments used. The argument --set-env=VAR=val allows variables to be passed to the container. The argument --unset-env can be passed to prevent certain specified host variables from passing into the container, with --unset-env="*" preventing any.

# Step #1:
host$ ch-run ./my_alpine.sqfs -- /opt/container/

# Step #2:
host$ ch-run --set-env ./my_alpine.sqfs -- /opt/container/

# Step #3:
host$ ch-run '--unset-env=*' ./my_alpine.sqfs -- /opt/container/

# Step #4:
host$ ch-run --set-env=TOGGLE_VAR=set_from_OUTSIDE ./my_alpine.sqfs -- /opt/container/

# Step #5:
host$ ch-run --set-env=RANDOM_VAR=set_on_command-line ./my_alpine.sqfs -- /opt/container/

Charliecloud honors the ENV Dockerfile instruction at build-time but disregards it at run-time by default, the argument --set-env is required to regain access to these variables.

The Podman Dockerfile ENV section allows us to define variables that exist inside the container.


COPY extras/ /opt/container/
COPY extras/ /opt/container/

RUN chmod +x /opt/container/*.sh

Container Environment Examples

Running the container shows that HOST_VAR is not passed in by default, and TOGGLE_VAR retains its value from inside the container definition unless explicitly passed via the --env argument.

# Step #1:
host$ podman run my_alpine:latest /opt/container/

# Step #2:
host$ podman run --env TOGGLE_VAR=set_from_OUTSIDE my_alpine:latest /opt/container/

# Step #3:
host$ podman run --env RANDOM_VAR=set_on_command-line my_alpine:latest /opt/container/


Each container run-time allows you to pass environment variables in via command line arguments, and have different default behaviors with respect to host-defined variables. Some allow you to set default values that exist inside the container. Our best guidance is simply be aware of what is defined in your execution environment, pass critical values via command line arguments to avoid ambiguity, and perform error checking on environment variable values inside your image to be safe.

Full definitions of the test cases can be found here.

Accessing host file systems

Similar to treatment of environment variables, each container run-time has unique behavior with respect to home and initial working directories inside containers. By default all provide minimal access to the host file systems, however they allow for host directories to be "bind mounted" into the container upon request. Following the same approach outlined above, we use our minimal container image to illustrate default and optional file system accessibility.

Container run-times and mounting host file systems

The singularity --bind option allows host directories to be bind-mounted into the container.

As shown below, by default the users' home directory is mounted. The initial working directory (PWD) behavior depends on where the container is launched from, and if that path has been bind-mounted into the container or not (Steps 1 & 3). The initial directory can be set explicitly with the --pwd flag (Step 2).

# Step #1:
host$ singularity run ./my_alpine.sif /opt/container/
glade_user              150.0T     77.7T     72.3T  52% /glade/u/home/benkirk

# Step #2:
host$ singularity run --pwd /opt/container ./my_alpine.sif /opt/container/
glade_user              150.0T     77.7T     72.3T  52% /glade/u/home/benkirk

# Step #3:
host$ singularity run --bind /glade/u/home/benkirk --bind /glade/derecho/scratch --bind /glade/work --bind /glade/campaign --bind /glade/work:/random/path ./my_alpine.sif /opt/container/
glade_user              150.0T     77.7T     72.3T  52% /glade/u/home/benkirk
glade_user              150.0T     77.7T     72.3T  52% /glade/u/home/benkirk
                         54.5P     10.7P     43.3P  20% /glade/derecho/scratch
csfs1                     4.0P    983.2T      3.0P  24% /glade/work
csfs1                   120.7P     93.5P     27.2P  77% /glade/campaign
csfs1                     4.0P    983.2T      3.0P  24% /random/path

The ch-run --bind option allows host directories to be bind-mounted into the container. Note that Charliecloud will not create new directories for the bind-mount locations, so we need to ensure they are created within our Dockerfile:

FROM alpine:latest

COPY extras/ /opt/container/
COPY extras/ /opt/container/

RUN chmod +x /opt/container/*.sh \
    && mkdir -p /glade/u/home /glade/work /glade/campaign /glade/derecho/scratch /random/path

As shown below, by default the users' home directory is mounted. The initial working directory (PWD) is the container file system root (/). In Step 2 we bind some of the common GLADE file systems into the container using the directories created in the Dockerfile. Step 3 fails, showing Charliecloud refusing to bind-mount into /random/other since no such mount point exists in the base image.
# Step #1:
host$ ch-run ./my_alpine.sqfs -- /opt/container/

# Step #2:
host$ ch-run --bind=/glade/derecho/scratch --bind=/glade/work --bind=/glade/campaign --bind=/glade/work:/random/path ./my_alpine.sqfs -- /opt/container/
                         54.5P     10.7P     43.3P  20% /glade/derecho/scratch
csfs1                     4.0P    983.1T      3.0P  24% /glade/work
csfs1                   120.7P     93.5P     27.2P  77% /glade/campaign
csfs1                     4.0P    983.1T      3.0P  24% /random/path

# Step #3:
host$ ch-run --bind=/glade/derecho/scratch --bind=/glade/work --bind=/glade/campaign --bind=/glade/work:/random/other/path ./my_alpine.sqfs -- /opt/container/
ch-run[73181]: error: can't mkdir: /var/tmp/ Read-only file system (ch_misc.c:409 30)

Charliecloud will not create destination paths for bind-mounts inside the container. Make sure you create such mount points when you build the image.

The Podman --volume option allows host directories to be bind-mounted into the container.

As shown below, by default the users' is placed into /root as a home directory, The initial working directory (PWD) is the container file system root (/).

# Step #1:
host$ podman run my_alpine:latest /opt/container/

# Step #2:
host$ podman run --volume /glade/u/home/benkirk --volume /glade/derecho/scratch --volume /glade/work --volume /glade/campaign --volume /glade/work:/random/path my_alpine:latest /opt/container/
mergedroot              188.3G      2.0G    186.3G   1% /glade/work
csfs1                     4.0P    983.1T      3.0P  24% /random/path
mergedroot              188.3G      2.0G    186.3G   1% /glade/campaign
mergedroot              188.3G      2.0G    186.3G   1% /glade/derecho/scratch
mergedroot              188.3G      2.0G    186.3G   1% /glade/u/home/benkirk


Each run-time has a method for accessing host directories within the container. They are all different with how they treat the users' home and initial working directory inside the container. Do not assume a given behavior, rather be explicit with changing directories and specifying full paths as necessary.

Full definitions of the test cases can be found here.

Running containerized MPI applications

The interaction between MPI implementations and container run-times is unfortunately the single biggest pain point of running containers in the HPC environment. If you're drawn to the "simplicity" promised by containerization but need to run on multiple nodes with MPI, we strongly encourage you to fully consider this section before going further. (The issues are well described here.) First let us distinguish two use cases:

  1. Running MPI inside a container on a single node, using an MPI stack defined within the container: While somewhat limited, this case is fairly easy to handle since the complexities of interfacing with a high-speed network are largely eliminated.

  2. Running MPI across multiple nodes, launching the run-time with MPI from the host: This is the general case, and also where complications arise. This is the focus of the remainder of this section.

When using MPI on the host to launch an MPI application that was compiled within the container, it is imperative the host and container MPI implementations be compatible. In practice this means the pair should be from the same implementation (e.g. OpenMPI, or MPICH) and at similar versions - and the closer the versions the better. This means the container image can rarely be created without knowledge of the execution host environment.

For Casper, where we deploy OpenMPI by default, this is not too terribly complicated since most containerized operating systems can easily install similar versions. For Derecho, however, the default MPI is Cray's MPICH, which is proprietary and therefore difficult in general to install into an arbitrary container image. In this case we must choose particular versions of MPI for the container image, knowing in advance they share heritage with the target host system. This allows us to build MPI applications inside the container with a compatible - but readily available - MPI.

We then follow the "bind model" approach when running the container in order to "replace" the container MPI with the host MPI, gaining access to the high-speed network and vendor MPI optimizations. For a full demonstration of this process, see our containerized FastEddy example.

Running containerized GPU applications

Many GPU compute capabilities are directly available within containers to applications. CUDA, OpenMP and OpenACC offload codes will generally work without any special consideration.

An exception is interfacing directly with the kernel driver. If you require such functionality, Apptainer provides the easiest support path through its --nv command line argument. See the Apptainer GPU documentation page for more details.

# running nvidia-smi from within the container, try 1:
casper$ singularity exec --cleanenv ./my_cuda_container.sif nvidia-smi
Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch

# running nvidia-smi from within the container, try 2:
casper$ singularity exec --nv --cleanenv ./my_cuda_container.sif nvidia-smi
NVIDIA-SMI 545.23.06              Driver Version: 545.23.06    CUDA Version: 12.3     |
| GPU  Name                 Persistence-M | Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp   Perf          Pwr:Usage/Cap |         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                                         |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  Tesla V100-SXM2-32GB           On  | 00000000:89:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   30C    P0              39W / 300W |      0MiB / 32768MiB |      0%      Default |
|                                         |                      |                  N/A |

Sharing a container

Under Development

The best practices for sharing container images is currently under development. The availability and pricing models of external repositories is frequently changing, complicating a general recommendation.

NCAR does not currently offer a custom centralized image repository for HPC user access.

For sharing on the HPC systems, we currently recommend revision-controlled build processes and sharing resulting compressed imaged files directly. Alternatively, a popular model for external container building is to push the resulting images to Docker Hub, where they can be pulled into the HPC environment using the techniques outlined above.