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Software for HPC users

NCAR and CISL have developed and support a number of freely available software packages for visualization, data analysis, weather prediction, and high-performance computation. These include models that help researchers understand the impact of regional and global climate change, and tools and libraries for analyzing and visualizing data.

Software available on the HPC and data analysis systems that CISL operates also includes open-source and commercial third-party products used for programming, analysis, and file management tasks.

Image from the CISL Visualization Gallery

Full Software List

The following is a list of the modules and extensions currently available:
  apptainer: apptainer/1.1.7, apptainer/1.1.9
  arm-forge: arm-forge/22.1.3
  atp: atp/3.14.18, atp/3.15.0, atp/3.15.1
  cce: cce/15.0.1, cce/16.0.1
  cdo: cdo/2.1.1, cdo/2.2.2, cdo/2.3.0
  charliecloud: charliecloud/0.32, charliecloud/0.33
  cmake: cmake/3.26.3
  conda: conda/latest
  cp2k: cp2k/2023.2
  cray-ccdb: cray-ccdb/4.12.13, cray-ccdb/5.0.1
  cray-dyninst: cray-dyninst/12.1.1, cray-dyninst/12.3.0
  cray-libsci: cray-libsci/, cray-libsci/
  cray-mpich: cray-mpich/8.1.25, cray-mpich/8.1.27
  cray-mrnet: cray-mrnet/5.0.4, cray-mrnet/5.1.1
  cray-stat: cray-stat/4.11.13, cray-stat/4.12.1
  craype: craype/2.7.20, craype/2.7.23
  cuda: cuda/11.7.1, cuda/11.8.0, cuda/12.2.1
  cudnn: cudnn/, cudnn/
  cutensor: cutensor/
  darshan-runtime: darshan-runtime/3.4.2, darshan-runtime/3.4.4
  darshan-util: darshan-util/3.4.2, darshan-util/3.4.4
  eccodes: eccodes/2.25.0, eccodes/2.32.0
  ecflow: ecflow/5.8.3
  esmf: esmf/8.4.2, esmf/8.5.0, esmf/8.6.0
  fftw: fftw/3.3.10
  fftw-mpi: fftw-mpi/3.3.10
  gcc: gcc/12.2.0, gcc/13.2.0
  gcc-toolchain: gcc-toolchain/12.2.0, gcc-toolchain/13.2.0
  gdal: gdal/3.6.4, gdal/3.7.1, gdal/3.8.1
  gdb4hpc: gdb4hpc/4.14.7, gdb4hpc/4.15.1
  geos: geos/3.9.1, geos/3.12.1
  gmt: gmt/6.4.0, gmt/6.5.0
  go: go/1.20.3, go/1.20.6
  gptl: gptl/8.1.1
  grads: grads/2.2.1, grads/2.2.3
  grib-util: grib-util/1.2.4
  hdf: hdf/4.2.15
  hdf5: hdf5/1.12.2, hdf5/1.14.3
  hdf5-mpi: hdf5-mpi/1.12.2, hdf5-mpi/1.14.3
  idl: idl/8.9.0
  intel: intel/2023.0.0, intel/2023.2.1, intel/2024.0.2
  intel-classic: intel-classic/2023.0.0, intel-classic/2023.2.1
  intel-mpi: intel-mpi/2021.8.0
  intel-oneapi: intel-oneapi/2023.0.0, intel-oneapi/2023.2.1, ...
  intel-oneapi-inspector: intel-oneapi-inspector/2024.0.0
  ioapi: ioapi/3.2
  julia: julia/1.9.2
  libemos: libemos/4.5.1
  linaro-forge: linaro-forge/23.0, linaro-forge/23.1
  matlab: matlab/R2023a
  mkl: mkl/2023.0.0, mkl/2023.2.0, mkl/2024.0.0
  mpi-serial: mpi-serial/2.3.0, mpi-serial/2.5.0
  mpifileutils: mpifileutils/0.11.1
  ncarcompilers: ncarcompilers/1.0.0
  ncarenv: ncarenv/23.06, ncarenv/23.09
  nccmp: nccmp/, nccmp/
  ncl: ncl/6.6.2
  nco: nco/5.1.4, nco/5.1.6, nco/5.1.9
  ncview: ncview/2.1.8, ncview/2.1.9
  ncvis: ncvis/2022.08.28
  netcdf: netcdf/4.9.2
  netcdf-mpi: netcdf-mpi/4.9.2
  nvhpc: nvhpc/21.3, nvhpc/23.1, nvhpc/23.5, nvhpc/23.7, nvhpc/24.1
  openblas: openblas/0.3.23, openblas/0.3.25
  opencoarrays: opencoarrays/2.10.1
  openmpi: openmpi/main
  osu-micro-benchmarks: osu-micro-benchmarks/7.1-1, ...
  papi: papi/, papi/
  parallel-netcdf: parallel-netcdf/1.12.3
  parallelio: parallelio/1.10.1, parallelio/2.5.10, parallelio/2.6.0, ...
  pcre: pcre/8.45
  peak-memusage: peak-memusage/3.0.1
  perftools: perftools
  perftools-base: perftools-base/23.03.0, perftools-base/23.09.0
  perftools-lite: perftools-lite
  perftools-lite-events: perftools-lite-events
  perftools-lite-gpu: perftools-lite-gpu
  perftools-lite-hbm: perftools-lite-hbm
  perftools-lite-loops: perftools-lite-loops
  perftools-preload: perftools-preload
  perl: perl/5.36.0, perl/5.38.0
  podman: podman/4.3.1, podman/4.5.1
  proj: proj/8.2.1, proj/9.2.1
  rstudio: rstudio/2023.09.0
  sanitizers4hpc: sanitizers4hpc/1.0.4, sanitizers4hpc/1.1.1
  superlu: superlu/5.3.0
  superlu-dist: superlu-dist/8.1.2, superlu-dist/8.2.1
  texlive: texlive/20220321
  udunits: udunits/2.2.28
  valgrind4hpc: valgrind4hpc/2.12.11, valgrind4hpc/2.13.1
  vtune: vtune/2023.0.0, vtune/2023.2.0
  wgrib2: wgrib2/3.1.1
To learn more about a package execute:
   $ module spider Foo
where "Foo" is the name of a module.
To find detailed information about a particular package you
must specify the version if there is more than one version:
   $ module spider Foo/11.1

For information about a system's unique user environment, consult the documentation for that resource at these links:

Also, see these pages for information regarding software packages and tools that are available for use on our systems: