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Derecho batch job script examples

When using these examples to create your own job scripts to run on Derecho, remember to substitute your own job name and project code, and customize the other directives and commands as necessary.

Running a hybrid CPU program with MPI and OpenMP on Derecho

In this example, we run a hybrid application that uses both MPI tasks and OpenMP threads. The executable was compiled using default modules (Intel compilers and MPI). We use a 2 nodes with 32 MPI ranks on each node and 4 OpenMP threads per MPI rank.

Whenever you run a program that compiled with OpenMP support, it is important to provide a value for ompthreads in the select statement; PBS will use that value to define the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable.

#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -N hybrid_job
#PBS -q main
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=32:ompthreads=4

# Load modules to match compile-time environment
module purge
module load ncarenv/23.09 intel-oneapi/2023.2.1 craype/2.7.23 cray-mpich/8.1.27

# Run application with MPI binding helper script
mpibind ./executable_name

# Or run application using cray-mpich with explicit binding
# mpiexec --cpu-bind depth -n 64 -ppn 32 -d 4 ./executable_name

Running an MPI-enabled GPU application on Derecho

In this example, we run an MPI CUDA program. The application was compiled using the NVIDIA HPC SDK compilers, the CUDA toolkit, and cray-mpich MPI. We request all four GPUs on each of two nodes.

Please ensure that you have the cuda module loaded as shown below when attempting to run GPU applications or nodes may lock up and become unresponsive.

#PBS -A <project_code>
#PBS -N gpu_job
#PBS -q main
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=64:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=4

# Load modules to match compile-time environment
module purge
module load ncarenv/23.09 nvhpc/24.1 cuda/12.2.1 cray-mpich/8.1.27

# (Optional: Enable GPU managed memory if required.)
#   From ‘man mpi’: This setting will allow MPI to properly
#   handle unify memory addresses. This setting has performance
#   penalties as MPICH will perform buffer query on each buffer
#   that is handled by MPI)
# If you see runtime errors like
# (GTL DEBUG: 0) cuIpcGetMemHandle: invalid argument,
# make sure this variable is set

# Run application using the cray-mpich MPI
#   The ‘set_gpu_rank’ command is a script that sets several GPU-
#   related environment variables to allow MPI-enabled GPU
#   applications to run. The set_gpu_rank script is detailed
#   in the binding section below, and is also made available
#   via the ncarenv module.
mpiexec -n 8 -ppn 4 set_gpu_rank ./executable_name

Binding MPI ranks to CPU cores and GPU devices on Derecho

For some GPU applications, you may need to explicitly control the mapping between MPI ranks and GPU devices (see man mpi). One approach is to manually control the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable so a given MPI rank only “sees” a subset of the GPU devices on a node.

Consider the following shell script:



echo "Global Rank ${GLOBAL_RANK} / Local Rank ${LOCAL_RANK} / CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES} / $(hostname)"

exec $*
It can be used underneath mpiexec to bind an MPI process to a particular GPU:

#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=64:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=4
# Run application using the cray-mpich MPI, binding the local
# mpi rank [0-3] to corresponding GPU index [0-3]:
mpiexec -n 8 -ppn 4 ./set_gpu_rank ./executable_name

The command above will launch a total of 8 MPI ranks across 2 nodes, using 4 MPI ranks per node, and each rank will have dedicated access to one of the 4 GPUs on the node. Again, see man mpi for other examples and scenarios.

Binding MPI ranks to CPU cores can also be an important performance consideration for GPU-enabled codes, and can be done with the --cpu-bind option to mpiexec. For the above example using 2 nodes, 4 MPI ranks per node, and 1 GPU per MPI rank, binding each of the MPI ranks to one of the four separate NUMA domains within a node is likely to be optimal for performance. This could be done as follows:

mpiexec -n 8 -ppn 4 --cpu-bind verbose,list:0:16:32:48 ./set_gpu_rank ./executable_name

Running a containerized application under MPI on GPUs

#PBS -q main
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -o fasteddy_job.log
#PBS -l walltime=02:00:00
#PBS -l select=6:ncpus=64:mpiprocs=4:ngpus=4

module load ncarenv/23.09
module load apptainer gcc cuda || exit 1
module list

nnodes=$(cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} | sort | uniq | wc -l)
nranks=$(cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} | sort | wc -l)
nranks_per_node=$((${nranks} / ${nnodes}))


singularity \
    --quiet \
    exec \
    ${container_image} \
    ldd /opt/local/FastEddy-model/SRC/FEMAIN/FastEddy

singularity \
    --quiet \
    exec \
    --bind ${SCRATCH} \
    --bind ${WORK} \
    --pwd $(pwd) \
    --bind /run \
    --bind /opt/cray \
    --bind /usr/lib64:/host/lib64 \
    --env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CRAY_MPICH_DIR}/lib-abi-mpich:/opt/cray/pe/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/host/lib64 \
    --env LD_PRELOAD=/opt/cray/pe/mpich/${CRAY_MPICH_VERSION}/gtl/lib/ \
    ${container_image} \
    ldd /opt/local/FastEddy-model/SRC/FEMAIN/FastEddy

echo "# --> BEGIN execution"; tstart=$(date +%s)

mpiexec \
    --np ${nranks} --ppn ${nranks_per_node} --no-transfer \
    set_gpu_rank \
    singularity \
    --quiet \
    exec \
    --bind ${SCRATCH} \
    --bind ${WORK} \
    --pwd $(pwd) \
    --bind /run \
    --bind /opt/cray \
    --bind /usr/lib64:/host/lib64 \
    --env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CRAY_MPICH_DIR}/lib-abi-mpich:/opt/cray/pe/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/host/lib64 \
    --env LD_PRELOAD=/opt/cray/pe/mpich/${CRAY_MPICH_VERSION}/gtl/lib/ \
    ${container_image} \
    /opt/local/FastEddy-model/SRC/FEMAIN/FastEddy \

echo "# --> END execution"
echo $(($(date +%s)-${tstart})) " elapsed seconds; $(date)"

See here for a more complete discussion of the nuances of containerized applications on Derecho.

Running multiple MPI applications in a single job

The larger core counts on Derecho nodes mean that some MPI workflows do not fully utilize an entire node. Some of these workflows can run on Casper, but for those that do not, you can use the --cpu-bind to mpiexec to launch multiple copies of an application on independent ranks.

The following script requests two full nodes and launches eight copies of our MPI-enabled model using 32 cores per invocation (and 256 in total).

#PBS -N multi-mpi
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=128:mpiprocs=128
#PBS -l walltime=04:00:00
#PBS -q main
#PBS -A <project_code>

# *** Job Configurables ***
num_runs=8   # Number of concurrent MPI applications running
ppr=32       # Processes per run
ppn=128      # Processes per node

# Load explicit module versions to preserve reproducibility
module purge
module load ncarenv/23.09 intel/2024.0.2 cray-mpich/8.1.27

# Define driver function to set up and start model runs
function run_model {
    ni=$((ppr * ($1 - 1) / ppn))    # Index of node to use
    sc=$((ppr * ($1 - 1) % ppn))    # Starting core of range to bind to
    ec=$((sc + ppr - 1))            # Ending core of range to bind to

    mkdir run-$1; cd run-$1         # Create unique directory for each run
    ln -s ../model .                # Reuse same executable via symbolic linking
    mpiexec -host ${nodes[$ni]} -n $ppr --cpu-bind list:$sc-$ec ./model &> outerr.log
    cd ../

# Store node list in a bash array
nodes=( $(uniq $PBS_NODEFILE) )

# Start our independent runs as background processes
for run in $(seq $num_runs); do
    run_model $run &

# Block job exit until all processes are finished

When running multiple programs on a node, it is best to choose process counts that divide evenly into the number of cores per CPU. On Derecho, each CPU has 64 cores and each node has two CPUs. So using 32 cores per run means that two runs will execute on each CPU, for a total of four runs per node.